The RESPECT of Florida Mission is a simple one:
To provide all governmental agencies within the State of Florida quality products and services produced by persons with varying degrees of disability thereby helping to employ Florida citizens with disabilities, reducing their dependence on welfare, and preventing the need for costly institutionalization.
RESPECT of Florida is the central nonprofit agency for the State of Florida and works with nonprofit organizations around the state to employ persons with disabilities in the production of products and services that are sold to state and local government agencies. RESPECT products and services span technologies and industries and provide a wide array of training opportunities for Florida's citizens with disabilities. The RESPECT program ensures a constant market for these products and services to participating government agencies.
Why purchase from RESPECT?
When government agencies purchase a RESPECT product or service, they are employing Florida citizens with disabilities, thereby reducing their dependence on public assistance and the need for costly institutionalization. Florida Statutes direct state and local government agencies to purchase products and services listed on the RESPECT procurement list.
Purchases from RESPECT are exempt from state and local government competitive bidding requirements in accordance with Section 60E-1.005, Florida Administrative Code, which means products or services can be obtained without having to go through the bidding process.
Other reasons to purchase:
- Receipt of high quality products or services which have been independently reviewed by the Department of Management Services (DMS) in terms of meeting quality and cost requirements.
- Creation of new businesses adding to the State’s economic prosperity.
- New tax revenues through economic development
- A net reduction in the cost of government by reducing individuals’ dependence on public assistance resources.
Who produces RESPECT products and services?
Nonprofit organizations throughout the state participate in the RESPECT program by producing a variety of products such as mops, desk calendars, and computers, and they provide services such as microfilming and janitorial. Participating organizations include local Associations for Retarded Citizens, Goodwill Industries, and other nonprofit community-based organizations.
RESPECT of Florida is recognized by the Governor and the Florida Legislature
For more information, Go to the RESPECT website